It’s been just over a month since my last race. Indoors is officially over and now its time to get ready for the real thing…OUTDOORS!! Throughout the indoor season I competed in an array of sprints events to help work on facets of my outdoor 400.
After taking a week to chill and train in Texas, it was back to the grind. The volume went back to what it was in the beginning of base training, but now the intensity is way up there. The thing about getting faster is it doesn’t make workouts any easier. I’m seeing a lot of improvements according to the stop watch, but its still just as hard as it was in October.
For the past two weeks I’ve been on some what of a teeter-totter. My goal for this year is to represent Canada internationally at some point to prepare me for next years Olympics. In March I ran a ‘test’ 4x400 in Ottawa and I thought it went pretty well, it was my foot in the door for a possible Team Canada. The problem with the foot in the door is sometimes the door swings open and shut, and that can hurt.
Next week I get my opportunity to get my whole body in! I will get my opportunity to don the Red and White for the first time at Texas Relays in Austin (Texas of course). This opportunity is both exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. I know this is my chance to prove that I can run with the best of them, not only in Canada, but internationally as well.
My training has been altered a bit to accommodate for this meet, so my body will be ready. Now I just need to work on the mental part and I should be ready to go!